Monday 5 January 2009

Stone Tape

Both Sides of the Stone Tape Theory Coin

The “Stone Tape Theory” is a commonly used terms in the paranormal field. There are many opinions and possible answers but there is still no concrete and proven answer as to why it happens in the first place. Many believe it is a relatively new concept however it appears the idea of past events being recorded is far from new. Sir William Barrett , Physicist & founding member of the Society for Psychical Research suggested in the late 19 th Century;

"In certain cases of hauntings and apparitions, some kind of local imprint, on material structures or places, has been left by some past events occurring to certain persons, who when on Earth, lived or were closely connected with that particular locality; an echo or phantom of these events becoming perceptible to those now living."

The actual term Stone Tape Theory derives from a drama programme from the BBC in the 1970’s but the actual concept of it was created many years before. Because answers are not written in stone I will show examples and opinions of people who have worked in this particular field. The readers can then make up their own minds as to what they believe explains the Stone Tape Theory the best.

There are several different examples of how the theory works: A ghostly image seemingly walking above or below floor level.An apparition walking through a wall that was once a door or walkway.A figure walking up or downstairs that are no longer there.These are just three easy to understand examples that have been classed as Stone Taping. There is not what may be classed as intelligent or knowing interaction with any person who witnesses it. The simple way to describe the event is it is like watching the same clip from a DVD or tape recording. The apparition will follow a set path each time.

On the audible side of Stone Taping the same conversation will replay without deviating from the spoken words. This again lacks an intelligent communication possibility as interaction cannot take place.

Some researchers believe rust (iron oxide) particles within a buildings structure or the surrounding local environment could act on a similar line to the iron oxide in video and audio tapes. This idea sounded promising until it came to how the mechanism side of video and audio tapes was described. The complexities of the tapes quickly began to rule the iron oxide idea out.Another surprising theory is that water could actually be responsible for the Stone Taping.

Some researchers also believe that water can record human emotions and thoughts. The notion that water might be able in some way to the record emotions or impressions of past lives is itself not a new one. In the early 1960's Archaeologist and later psychical researcher T. C. Lethbridge together with his wife had a series of powerful experiences of "depression and fright" whilst walking close to a small stream on the beach at Ladram bay, Devon. He discovered that a suicide had taken place at the site some years before.

Further research and experiences at other sites associated with water lead him to develop a theory that the water was able to record strong human emotions and that these may later affect subsequent visitors to the site. According to some this “breakthrough” originates from Homeopathic medicine. The theory is that water is a component of most things. A brick, for example, is between 7% and 15% water. Humans like the ground have very high amounts of water. Theoretically if water can hold memory then humans and other objects could be highly likely to produce the phenomena alongside homeopathic medicines and other necessary requirements for it to work. The scientific side of the things though shows many problems and holes in the water theory. According to the link there’s lots of speculation and pitfalls. Even though the subject remains “controversial” researchers findings are still intriguing.Magnetic fields are mentioned frequently concerning Stone Taping as are other possible scenarios. But again without proven evidence nothing can be based as complete fact.

Some researchers believe that magnetic fields can affect a persons perception and govern what they see. But it is speculation along with other possibilities but worth bearing in mind.One query about stone taping is where is the recording actually stored? There are numerous reports of ghostly battles from past wars in fields, etc. And what about new housing estates where older buildings are completely removed thus bricks, for example are no longer there that could hold a recording. Of course there are many different types of hauntings but from a sceptical point of view this suggestion may fit. Testers have tried to record audio recordings into paint canvas and even clay pots but have not reached a satisfactory conclusion.

Article by :
Connie Bott
Esoteric Researcher

Saturday 3 January 2009


Electro Magnetic Fields

Basically these things are everywhere to very varying degrees.Humans give off EMF's but to such a slight degree that there is no meter on the planet that would ever pick it up. However, it is part of the reason for getting static shocks. But, even in people who get lots of shocks and quite severe ones the EMF coming off them is so minimum it is unrecordable.The things we think of most when we talk about EMF's are things like pylons etc because they give off a lot of power to the point where they can be heard. An EMF reading at the foot of one of these would be off the scales. But any power cables or items powered by electricity will give off a readable EMF.
However...a power cable or electric cable can give off just an EF...and electric field. This is when there is voltage but no current. sort of like voltage held in a cable but not going anywhere. Just like a hose pipe with the nozzle off but water in it. So, even when a switch is off the power cable will give an electric field reading.An item run by electricity like a television will only have EMF's because the "m" or "magnetic" part of it comes in when the power cable is switched on and there is a current pushing the voltage. like opening the nozzle on the hose. So, at the point when the cable is switched off there is nothing in the television ..once it is switched on it has an Electro Magnetic Field.When a cable that is switched off has an EMF meter put next to it then the reading is going to be very low. so low that in fact one cable on it's own won't even make the meter needle rise. However, in an area where there are very many cables even if the switches are off there could well be enough Electric field to give a decent reading. This is why people often get readings on their EMF meters in cellars of pubs etc. The problem is they get all excited because everything is switched off at the time, not realising there is still an electric field there.When a cable has power running through it, or with an item that is running off the power the readings will of course be higher on an EMF meter because electro magnetic fields are far stronger than electric fields. With the hose thing ..the water when the nozzle is off has no where to go and so just stands, it therefore has no force or power..once the nozzle is opened and the tap is turned on the water is pushed along giving it power.

EMF's can create vast changes in physiology and this can make EMF's make us feel physical sensations to varying degrees. Obviously the more EMF the more the physical feelings. But there is another thing to consider...EMF's give off sound. but the sound is so low pitched its inaudible. Even though the sound is inaudible though it can still effect us. This is why EMF's in a tunnel or very enclosed space can have more effect than in the open on the human body. basically it is giving off a sound (sound being basically a vibration) that then has nowhere to go so. Therefore in an enclosed space these ultra sonic vibrations are more constant and more intense.So....for example. on an investigation we might be in a room that has EMF readings but we might not feel a physical reaction to them. In a more confined space the same amount of EMF could cause a much bigger reaction. not necessarily because you are any closer to the objects giving off the EMF but because of the intensity of the sound vibration that comes with it.When we are talking about EMF's in terms of the physical effects they can have that make people believe spirit is about some might be due to the fields themselves and some might be down to the sound vibrations as well.

Just one thing worth mentioning. In the past there has been a lot of concern that people living near pylons etc have been more likely to get cancer or leukaemia. This led to the misconception that EMF's are like radiation and actually cause these diseases. This isn't actually the case. What EMF's do cause is a change in the bodies physiology that breaks down cells that the body uses to stop these diseases forming.Prolonged exposure to oscillating electric and magnetic fields can affect body tissue. Electric fields cause body cells to vibrate and to heat up at high frequencies and in oscillating magnetic fields, electric currents are generated in body tissue which acts as a conductor. In combination, the electric changes in body cells and tissue causes dust particles as well as charged gas molecules to be attracted to these parts. Prolonged high exposure to electromagnetic fields can impair the body’s immune system which lessens the capability of your body’s white blood cells to kill off tumours and combat disease and there is evidence to suggest that this can also have adverse effects on your central nervous system, glands and the brain which are not only connected to certain types of cancer but can also produce other problems both physically and psychologically.
HOWEVER...before you all start throwing your microwaves out and wearing rubber suits.......the sort of thing we are talking about here is when the person is exposed to very high levels of EMF for a very very long time. I guess if you were to sit under an electricity pylon for a few years you might be pushing your luck a bit. but the amount of EMF we are generally exposed to every day is not going to do the sort of harm the last few paragraphs spoke about. Even though there was never any concrete proof that living near pylons cause the diseases people had there are laws about how close to pylons houses can be built.
So. with EMF's being mentioned on investigations what is it about them that we need to consider as investigators ?

Firstly let's look at the physical effects. As has already been mentioned high levels of EMF's can make people feel physical "symptoms". Sickness, headaches, dizziness and even disorientation can occur around high or concentrated levels as can the feeling of the hairs on your body standing on end. These, as most of you will know are also what people "expect" or are led to believe they will feel when spirit is present. Therefore, rather than it being a case of feeling these things and reporting it as spirit, EMF readings and levels should be taking and recorded in the area these feelings are being reported.

Another issue with EMF readings is that many people put them down to spirit. There is a belief that spirit "creates" an energy that can be read on our EMF meters and therefore whenever a reading goes up in an area for no apparent reason it is all too easy for investigators to put it down to spirit. This is often down to investigators comparing readings during the night to those taken during base line testing. However, as has been explained previously readings can change and not necessarily because someone has physically switched something on or turned something off. If an area has a high reading where previously there was none it is essential that investigators return time and time again to this area to ascertain whether these changes are infact environmental and normal to that area of the location.

Many sceptics will suggest that EMF meters on investigations are a waste of time, refusing to accept that they in any way validate reports that spirit is present. And indeed with the degree to which environmental factors can alter EMF readings it would be difficult to use the readings to prove spirit activity or presence. However, from the point of view of the sceptical scientist readings can be used to give logical explanation for phenomenon that lead people to believe spirit is present such as physical symptoms and therefore the use of such meters is valid in paranormal investigating.

For those who believe spirit does give off an energy that can be picked up on such a meter the use of them is again valid. however readings can only be used as evidence if all other factors and explanations for such changes have been ruled out. And, once again we reiterate what we always say on such matters..should readings be impossible to explain, and if all logical and environmental explanations have been ruled out, what we are left with is not proof of spirit, but proof that something “unexplainable” has happened. This might indeed be something of a spirit nature, or could be merely something that we and science cannot explain at the present time.

Sunday 17 August 2008

Science and Paranormal Investigations

Science plays a very important role in proper paranormal investigating. Only when we are able to rule out the logical can we truley call something paranormal. Paranormal of course being in the true sense of the word..unexplainable. Science itself might not have all of the answers yet but there are many things science can give us to help us evaluate our evidence in as rounded a way as possible. In this section we bring you scientific facts and information that are worth considering when carrying out an investigation.
Science also gives us the opportunity to consider possibilities. Geomagnetics, ley-lines and many other subjects may not give us definate answers to some of the activity we encounter but they lead us to ask more questions and to consider the effects such things could possibly have on our environment and on ourselves.

Why do people investigate the paranormal?

This is a question I am sure many people have asked themselves while sat in a cold, dark location either bored and wishing something would happen, often scared witless when something does happens or terrified in anticipation of something happening. Also this is something we, as Paranormal Investigators often get asked.The first answer I guess is simple. As human beings we are born with the ability and need to learn about the world around us and for some people this extends to wanting to learn about what can’t be easily seen or understood. Most people who get involved in paranormal study seem to start out with a need to find proof for themselves that there is life beyond our time on earth, sometimes due to incidents that raise the question, or bereavement or something as simple as watching a program about paranormal activity. Of course there is the other side of the coin which is some people get involved in this type of work because they do not believe and hope to disprove theories and beliefs. The presence of either is equally justified within a group as long as those investigating are willing to be sceptical when necessary and check out all possibility of rational explanation, and those who are totally sceptical are willing to accept when something can not be explained even if it means using the term “paranormal” in its true sense “unexplainable”.There is also another reason why people enjoy what appears to be a very uncomfortable and almost macabre activity and this is the need for excitement. Most people will admit to the fact that they enjoy the adrenalin rush that comes when excitement and fear clash. In recent years this has been known as “getting a buzz” out of something. This search for excitement leads people to many activities from going on roller coaster rides, to taking up dangerous sports and for some people spending nights in supposedly haunted locations waiting for the unknown to happen.And finally I feel there is the motivation of wanting to be part of something that could some day change the opinion of many people about the presence of spirit life around us. Ask most investigators to honestly say what motivates them and along with personal knowledge and the excitement will be the hope that one day they will be the ones who get the picture of a full manifestation that shocks the world or that they get the one bit of evidence that throws all logical theories out of the window.
How Can Our Minds Affect Paranormal Investigations?There are many ways in which our minds can influence and affect paranormal study. This is because the human psyche can influence the behaviors and perceptions of the people involved, and therefore on occasions, the findings of each investigation. In this section I will look at certain elements of the human mind and look at the impact these can have on us in this line of work, although obviously no-one could cover all areas in such a brief study.
Section One - The Effects of TirednessNearly all investigations take part over long hours and at night time. It has been proven that however a person sleeps during the day our bodies and minds will still tell us we’re tired at certain times during the night. Tiredness affects our senses and our emotions and this is where it can impact on investigations.
The SensesEyesightAs we get tired our senses become impaired. The muscles that control the eyes and make us able to focus become weaker when we are tired so we are more likely to see things that aren’t there or misconstrue what we do see. We have all at some time thought we have seen something “out of the corner” of our eye, when we are tired this is more probable and could account for many “sightings” of shadows, flashing lights and similar. Our eyes also take longer to adjust to changes of light when we are tired and this can lead to headaches. Therefore it is possible that the headaches people get that they put down to paranormal influences are in fact down to the eyes inability to adjust to the way we often go from being in torchlight to maybe full lighting to complete darkness etc.
HearingOur hearing can also be affected through tiredness. This can be down to it becoming more limited but also can be caused by the lessening ability of our eyesight. People who are blind often have a greater sense of hearing than those who are sighted. Even in the animal kingdom nocturnal animals have a much better sense of hearing because they need to rely on this more in the dark than eyesight. Because our eyes don’t work so well in the dark we tend to hear better as our other senses make up for our limited sight. Sounds that are totally natural but we don’t hear normally can suddenly be heard by us and therefore there is a possibility that we may consider them paranormal. Also there is the risk that sounds will seem much louder in these conditions and therefore a sound from some distance away can appear to be very close by.

SmellAgain our sense of smell can increase as our other senses decrease. Also while sitting quietly expecting something to happen we become more aware of the environment around us and pick up on things we may not have previously noticed. In our day to day life we are often too busy taking in all the information sent to our brains to notice the subtle sounds and scents, take away the eyesight and other influences and we are bound to pick up on those scents/sounds that previously would have gone unnoticed. When we are setting up for an investigation we are continually busy working out the layout of the building and discussing the positioning of cameras etc. There is much talking and many things to see and think about. It is very easy at this time to ignore or not even notice smells and sounds. Our ignorance to these can lead to misleading evidence when the investigation begins.
MemoryAs we get tired our ability to concentrate decreases, many of us would have discovered that when trying to drive a car or operate machinery when we haven’t had proper rest. Along with a lack of concentration comes a decrease in our ability to remember things as precisely as we normally do. The problem this raises for investigations is as follows. Much of what we report on in investigations relies on the memory of the people involved. We rely on people remembering their experiences precisely in order to get a true record of events and in order to compare them with the experiences of others. Time can appear to go more quickly or slowly in a location and yet it is important that people remember the time and order of events so we may again compare them with the experiences of others at that time, or be able to check where other group members were at that point to rule out any of them as possible causes for sounds/sightings etc.
EmotionsMost of us know that as we get more tired our emotions can sometimes take over making us react to things in a totally different way to how we normally would. This can lead us to become more frightened at small incidents, become downhearted or even slightly hysterical producing laughter or tears. The difficulty this causes is that it becomes difficult to determine whether person’s reactions in a particular place are down to paranormal influences or our own emotional state. Our emotions before an investigation are often a little heightened anyway, whether through nervousness, excitement or fear the added impact of tiredness can often lead people to behave in a way that could be described as “out of character” taking these other logical factors into consideration is essential before putting these behaviors down to paranormal causes.
Section Two – The Influence of OthersThe best known example of this is the phenomenon we know as “mass hysteria”. This phenomenon is well evidenced in the confusion and hysteria that resulted from the release of the radio broadcast of Orson Wells’ “War of the Worlds”. Although very improbable the belief of a few that we were indeed being attacked by aliens spread to a vast number of American citizens and confusion and chaos ensued. The fear of a minority began to influence a much larger number of people. In this way we have to be careful in investigations that fear does not become contagious and make some members of the group feel emotions they would not usually feel. However, there is another side to this theory. Sometimes our natural instinct to protect those around us who we are close to as family, friend or colleague can lead us to overcome our own fears. Parents have been known to put themselves in danger to protect their children and people have forgotten fear as they fight off intruders or possible attackers. In a much less serious example people with a fear of spiders will remove them from their home if their children are afraid and only afterwards realise what they have done. So sometimes the fears of others will infact make us braver. Laughter of course is also contagious and can also lead people to feel that something paranormal is happening. Again it is important to consider this when members of the group start to have fits of laughter at the same time, especially taking into consideration the effects of tiredness.

Section Three – The EnvironmentThe environment (location we are investigating) also has a huge part in the way our mind works before and during an investigation. There are a few ways in which this can impact on us.
Preconceived IdeasThe more we know about the location we are due to investigate the more chance there is that our expectations will be altered. For example, if we go into a building where we know people have been murdered, hung etc we are more likely to expect to feel an oppressive atmosphere or let our imaginations convince us that we feel this. If a group has been told a woman in Victorian clothing has been seen this could lead us to imagine we have seen the same or at least lead us to look out for this maybe missing other things around us. This can also influence the way we feel physically and emotionally. If a group is told that in a particular room of a building people feel sick or dizzy, there is a risk that the expectation of this will actually lead people to take on these symptoms, the same applies to emotional states.
The Type of BuildingAs mentioned before the events that have occurred in a building can influence how we feel. If a group goes into a building that used to be a prison for example, they will to some degree expect to feel certain types of emotion, if they visit an old hospital there is the possibility that some members of the group may expect to feel physical symptoms and this could lead to them truly feeling these. Where murderers have been known to have stayed people expect negative energies or even to see or feel the evil person. This can make fear worse or again make people believe they are seeing or feeling things that in truth they are not. This is not to say of course that at the time any of these feelings, physical or emotional, are not very real to the person involved. It is not an effort to mislead or be untruthful. The question is about the possible causes of these feelings not about the honesty of the person reporting them.
The WeatherThe weather on the night of an investigation can impact on how we feel and therefore on what we report and the way we perceive things. If we are very cold, for example, we tend to feel more tired and sometimes more uncomfortable therefore affecting our emotions which can then affect the way we see and feel things. One thing people often look out for when investigating is a drop in temperature, this is very difficult to prove as paranormal when the temperature itself is very cold or the building has draughts. Thunderstorms are often used in horror films and the like as a way of adding to the atmosphere. This link between thunderstorms and the paranormal can make us more likely to expect things to happen if we are investigating during a storm; the same can also be said of the influence of moon phases, with many people believing that the best time to investigate is during a full moon. This increase in expectation can make people imagine more or make them less willing to look for logical explanation in the events that do happen. Returning to the subject of the Thunderstorm, there are natural changes that occur during a storm that can affect the environment around us and the way we ourselves feel. Many people get headaches or get very tired during a storm and the humidity and EMFs’ in the area can on occasions be affected. It is very important that this be considered when carrying out an investigation under these conditions.

Orbs,spirit essence or dust particles?

Whenever we look at reports from investigations the word “orb” is one of the most widely used. But what is an “orb” ? In its true sense it is a circle of light, however we tend to use the word to describe moving lights caught on camcorder and unexplainable lights caught on digital camera, basically any light source that cannot be explained. Therefore maybe the term “light anomaly” would be more appropriate. So, what are the theories about these strange lights? I would like to start by saying that were I to discuss all the theories at this time this report would turn in to a trilogy therefore I will attempt to give a basic outline of this vast subject.
The Believers TheoriesFor many who believe in spirit a light anomaly is thought to be the early manifestation of a spirit, the early stages of it trying to show itself if you like. They are also in some cases believed to be life forms that travel in groups and are believed to be the human soul or life force of those that once inhabited a physical body here on earth. By some, it is also believed that ghosts prefer the form of an Orb (ball of light) because it takes less energy than full manifestation, moving objects etc.It is considered possible that small orbs take up the least amount of energy and apparitions and other fuller shapes take up the most. It is thought that more small light anomalies are caught on camera in the warmer months as in the colder parts of the year ghosts find it easier to take on shapes other than orbs. The thinking behind this is that in the colder months there is the most static electricity in the atmosphere which spirit can use to help them manifest or show themselves in different ways.
The Theories AgainstIt has been proven that certain logical reasons can explain some light anomalies caught on camera. The best known of course is dust. Dust is 3 dimensional and therefore able to reflect light. At the right angle, a camera flash or infra-red light will bounce off a dust particle and create an “orb” effect. Insects too can create this result as can spiders webs. When you consider that much investigating is done in old buildings there is usually a fair amount of dust and insect activity. Moisture in the air can also create “orbs”. On a recent photograph we captured what appeared to be thousands of orbs, however, when we got a similar result at a later date a common factor was noted, the air was full of moisture with a light mist. Another thing to bear in mind is how light can reflect off a camera lens. On some photographs what are initially thought to be light anomalies are discovered to be nothing more exciting than the flash bouncing off a surface. When using camcorders it is important to note that one camcorder will pick up infra-red glare off another even though this is not visible to the human eye, this can cause the effect of strange lights on the screen.
Where does this leave us ?As investigators this leaves us with an obvious problem, when do we consider “orbs” to be paranormal. As a group we all have our own thoughts on this however there are some things on which we all agree. If we have been in a room for some time and no light anomalies have been caught and then, with no environmental changes, we have “orbs” appear we feel it is unlikely to be dust as if dust was in the area it would be fair to suggest that it would be picked up regularly in that area. We have studied dust particles caught on camera and they are usually very hazy and move in no set direction therefore when we get very bright lights that move virtually in a straight line horizontally or vertically we tend to rule out dust or indeed insects This also goes for certain orbs we get on camcorder that actually flash as they move across the screen. Insects tend to be easy to distinguish because on close inspection it is actually possible to see the wings, also the flight pattern of an insect is easily recognisable. Of most excitement to us is the light anomaly that seems to go one way across the screen and then return following the same vertical or horizontal line, this would be impossible for an insect or dust particle.Another example of when investigators get particularly excited by orbs is when they seem to appear on request. Many groups, including ours, have had instances where for a long period of time no light anomalies have been caught, and then, seemingly in response to a request for a sign, an orb is captured on film. For some, this will be seen as coincidence, for others proof that it is a sign from spirit that they are there with us.
As with most paranormal topics the light anomaly issue is one which may never be fully explained. We can find many situations where “orbs” can be disproved as in any way linked to spirit, however proving those times when they may be is almost impossible. What would it take to answer the question for once and for all? I guess we won’t know that until it happens if indeed it ever does.

The God Spot

There is currently much research being done on a new theory about the reasons behind people’s beliefs and experiences with religion and spirit. The research stems from the recent discovery by neuroscientists at the University of California in San Diego that suggests there is a part of the brain that relates to our sensory perception and belief function. It is believed to be similar to those parts of our brain that make us able to see, hear and remember. However where as those parts of the brain are easily proven due to the scientific evidence to show they control these functions, belief in spirit and God (by any name) is impossible to prove/disprove scientifically and therefore so is the theory that a part in the brain controls such beliefs. The fact that the research focuses on a part of the brain that relates to religious/spiritual beliefs has led it to be named the “God Spot”
It is a subject that will take some time to even scratch the surface of, as it covers so many aspects of belief in God, in Spirit and indeed in our perceptions of the world around us. This report is a very basic overview as there is still much to be learnt and to express the ideas behind it in full as they are to this day would need a web-site of its own and far more knowledge than one person could learn in such a short time. However, from the little I have read so far it certainly does ask many questions of those who believe and the theories about those beliefs.
It is considered by many that a belief in religion is much more a result of the affects of nurture rather than nature. This has been a theory of why countries, families and groups in society have followed a pattern of belief. However, what has also been questioned is how much a persons following of a religion is down to personal belief and how much is down to expectations or a need to “fit in” to the culture to which they belong. In the stricter religious communities to turn ones back on ones faith is to turn ones back on the family, close or extended, and often to ostracise oneself from the very community on which you rely. In societies where religion is not such a major part of everyday life it seems more people turn away from the beliefs of their families, so is this down to the fact that those religions are not so strong or merely that it is easier in some cultures to follow your own true feelings. For example, I know many people who were brought up following the Catholic faith. In adulthood they realise this is something they do not believe in and so they turned away from it. As the culture around those people is not wholly Catholic and their day to day lives do not revolve around the religion itself it is accepted, and although no doubt the families of those people would have been happier if they had followed that religious path the fact that they don’t does not lead to a risk of a crumbling society or family circle.
This however still leads to the question, why do some people still truly believe and where did religion really start. If we take away the nature theory that suggests that people follow a pattern and believe what they are taught to believe, there has to be something that motivates some people to truly follow a faith and believe in it, or to feel and see spirit and believe that what they feel is true. From a spiritual point of view the thought is that some people are just more open to spirit and have the capacity to use those primal instincts with which we were born to see those things around us which to many remain unseen. Those with strong religious beliefs, we are led to understand, follow their paths due to experiences (personal or passed on to them), that in their minds prove there is a God by
Another view is that for many a belief in a God or Spirit is the result of a need. A need to believe that there is more to our existence than life or death, a need to believe that our loved ones are still around us and a need to believe that whatever happens in our lives there is someone watching over us that will make sure we are alright.

The God Spot theory has raised many more questions however. A question asked many times is “how did religion start”. Some people talk about the Bible and the proof within it, however how does this explain the belief in other religions. Maybe the God Spot theory goes some way to explaining this. If openness of mind can supposedly lead to easier communication with Spirit or God, then maybe it can also lead to easier use of this one part in the brain. The non-questioning of scientific fact that can make people supposedly see and feel those spirits around us may also lead them to not question the things that this particular part of the brain tells them to be true.
According to one study by Duke University’s Harold Koenig older people who attend religious ceremonies are both less depressed and physically healthier than others in society. The results of this study of 4,000 randomly selected people in North Carolina are interesting but to the more scientific mind would not be considered conclusive in proving the existence of a higher realm that takes care of the wellbeing of those who believe. A counter argument for those scientists would be that often a religion restricts or prevents behaviours that lead to many of these illnesses and therefore it is that fact alone that leads to better health. Plus, they would argue, those who believe in Spirit or God, tend to suffer less from stress and depression as their faith helps them cope with trauma etc in the belief that spirit will help them overcome their difficulties. Therefore it is not the intervention of God or Spirit that helps keep health good and aid healing, but the strength of the belief itself. Therefore the suggestion is that if there is a “God Spot” those who can access and believe in it more a likely to have better health.
The very interesting argument against the God Spot theory is that if there is one who put it there? When asked about this study the Bishop of Oxfords spokesperson commented “it would not be surprising if God had created us with a physical facility for belief”. While I guess the religious leaders cannot prove or disprove the theory, their counter argument that surely God would have put something in our minds to help us believe (i.e. the God Spot) does still have to make us ask if there a controlling being of any kind that makes us who we are, and gives us any abilities we have to imagine, believe and see what is really there, or is everything about us random, genetic and made purely by science and genealogy.

Ley Lines,are they for real?

Ley Lines are phenomena most people have heard of but few really understand. Indeed it would be fair to say that no-one understands them fully as they remain unexplained in many ways. From what we do know, a Ley Line seems to be a straight line that has an altered form of the earth’s magnetic field however it is proving difficult to define that power even to this day. Whatever constitutes a ley line it is believed that birds, fish and animals use them as “compasses” helping them find direction back to breeding grounds and to warmer climates during winter months. It has been suggested in a New Scientist article (1987) that species as diverse as pigeons, whales, bees and even bacteria can navigate using the earths magnetic field. It is thought that a tissue containing a substance called magnetite is responsible for this. Magnetite enables living creatures to sense magnetic changes and has been found in human tissue linked to the Ethmoid bone in the front of the skull.
So what defines a ley line ?
Ley/Li/Lei : “The supposed straight line of a prehistoric track usually between hilltops” (Concise Oxford Dictionary)
This is the general and most widely accepted description of a Ley Line, but why then are Ley Lines so important to the paranormal investigator? Maybe to begin to understand this we need to look at another description.
“Alignments and patterns of powerful, invisible earth energy said to connect various sacred sites, such as churches, temples, stone circles, megaliths, holy wells, burial sites, and other locations of spiritual or magical importance”. (Harper’s Encyclopaedia of Mystical and Paranormal Experience)
So now we have a description that covers the types of building built on Ley Lines. And, as will be appreciated, they are the exactly the type of building paranormal groups love to visit. Add to this the fact that Ley Lines are believed to be the paths that many people in history followed on their quests and you find along them also old public houses, coaching inns and sometimes even castles. You then have the ideal locations for a nights investigating. What gives the Ley Lines their power? Scientifically, as previously explained, the belief is that they are areas of altered magnetic fields, the more spiritual and romantic belief is that they ooze back the energy from all the people who have trodden their mystical, religious paths that have drawn people to them since time began.
We have now clarified how Ley Lines so often come into the work we do but in what way could they be relevant? For the believer I guess it could be said that these areas are likely to have more spirit activity steeped as they are in history of a religious, political and even mystical nature. It is even believed that UFO’s are drawn to these Ley Lines making them attractive to investigators of that particular phenomenon. It is true that more “paranormal” activity is evidenced in these areas however whether this is of the spirit type or paranormal in its true sense “unexplained” is still a topic of much debate.
For the follower of the more scientific approach other explanations for the seemingly increased incidents of paranormal evidence are possible. Generally it is believed that Electro Magnetic Fields can affect the body and mind. Again this to some extent must be true if the affect of magnetic fields affect magnetite find in the human brain. But, other affects of this type of energy are said to include feelings of “tingling” on the skin and the hairs standing on end (rather like that of the affect of static electricity). Even though the energy cannot be heard, it is thought to produce vibrations on a frequency to low for that of the human ear, but enough to alter perceptions and give feelings of dizziness and unbalance..even on occasions if the energy is strong enough it is thought to be able to cause feelings of nausea and headaches. As you will notice these symptoms mirror those often described by people who feel the presence of spirit. If electro magnetic fields caused by man made appliances and structures can cause these effects then could it also be possible that the earths own electro magnetic field (especially where it is altered as in the case of Ley Lines) could also affect us in this way ?
A phenomenon often reported on investigations is that of technical equipment behaving erratically. Again we have to ask ourselves is this spirit based or could it be the affect of Electro Magnetic fields on the equipment we use. Could energy from the earth itself be tampering with our audio/visual devices causing interference in some way? For example is it possible that it is this that on occasions gives us strange incidents of EVP when we listen to recordings by changing the frequency of the evidence we are listening too. The weather is seen to influence investigations. “Hauntings” are often said to occur more during thunder storms for example. Maybe this is due to psychological reasons, as a result of horror films where there is always a storm as the evil spirit grows stronger. Or maybe it is because there is in fact more “paranormal” activity during a storm. Again this to the believer could be spirit getting energy from the power around it. To the scientist it could be the electricity linked with the storm causing natural phenomena that makes us feel something other than the “norm” is happening, or the electrical power around us affecting our senses and perceptions. Could it then be possible that Ley Lines, being an electrical field around the earth, attract more storms and specifically lightening? Could it be this that gives the result of more “paranormal” activity in these areas for whatever reason depending on your belief?
As paranormal investigators it is not our ambition to prove or disprove the existence of spirit. We as a team aim to use scientific methods in order to rule out (as much as is possible) logical explanation for reported incidents in the belief that we need to rule out all possible environmental reasons for evidence gathered, as only then can we truly call something “paranormal” in whichever sense of the word, depending on ones beliefs. This work will continue through experiments as we try to draw conclusions about the way Ley Lines can affect our investigations through the energy they deliver. It is unlikely a full understanding of Ley Lines will ever occur during our life times but hopefully through the work of us and many others the picture will get a little clearer.


Electronic Voice Phenomena or “EVP” refers to voices or sounds captured on electronic and more often now, digital recording devices such as digital voice recorders and camcorders, where no logical explanation can be found. Proponents of EVP commonly attribute these sounds as communication from spirit while others offer psychokinesis from the living as a possible explanation. Another theory is that what we record is not actually spirit communication but rather echoes of people from the past. This is particularly theorised upon by proponents of “the stone tape" theory.
Interest in spirit communication through EVP dates back to at least the 1940’s and has its roots in the spiritualist movement which was most predominant in the 1840’s to the 1920’s. The term Electronic Voice Phenomena is however a relatively new term for the phenomena, originally it was labelled “Raudive Voices” after parapsychologist Konstantin Raudive who first popularized the idea.The name electronic voice phenomena came in to being as a term used by the publishing company Colin Smythe LTD in the early 1970’s. Despite many recordings and claims of EVP there are many rather mundane explanations for EVP. Sceptics suggest that apophenia (finding of significance or connections between insignificant or unrelated phenomena), pareidolia (interpreting random sounds into voices) radio interference, the effects of low quality equipment or simple hoaxes are the causes of such phenomena.
Recording EVP has become a major part of paranormal investigating, giving what for some is the ultimate in paranormal (unexplainable) evidence. It has recently become popularized by films such as White Noise and The Sixth Sense.
We may never find out what really creates EVP, it might be one of the explanations above, it may be a mix of the explanations above or it might be none of them. What we do know is that it will continue to be one of the most fascinating types of evidence people gather and will always lead to more questions than answers.