Monday 5 January 2009

Stone Tape

Both Sides of the Stone Tape Theory Coin

The “Stone Tape Theory” is a commonly used terms in the paranormal field. There are many opinions and possible answers but there is still no concrete and proven answer as to why it happens in the first place. Many believe it is a relatively new concept however it appears the idea of past events being recorded is far from new. Sir William Barrett , Physicist & founding member of the Society for Psychical Research suggested in the late 19 th Century;

"In certain cases of hauntings and apparitions, some kind of local imprint, on material structures or places, has been left by some past events occurring to certain persons, who when on Earth, lived or were closely connected with that particular locality; an echo or phantom of these events becoming perceptible to those now living."

The actual term Stone Tape Theory derives from a drama programme from the BBC in the 1970’s but the actual concept of it was created many years before. Because answers are not written in stone I will show examples and opinions of people who have worked in this particular field. The readers can then make up their own minds as to what they believe explains the Stone Tape Theory the best.

There are several different examples of how the theory works: A ghostly image seemingly walking above or below floor level.An apparition walking through a wall that was once a door or walkway.A figure walking up or downstairs that are no longer there.These are just three easy to understand examples that have been classed as Stone Taping. There is not what may be classed as intelligent or knowing interaction with any person who witnesses it. The simple way to describe the event is it is like watching the same clip from a DVD or tape recording. The apparition will follow a set path each time.

On the audible side of Stone Taping the same conversation will replay without deviating from the spoken words. This again lacks an intelligent communication possibility as interaction cannot take place.

Some researchers believe rust (iron oxide) particles within a buildings structure or the surrounding local environment could act on a similar line to the iron oxide in video and audio tapes. This idea sounded promising until it came to how the mechanism side of video and audio tapes was described. The complexities of the tapes quickly began to rule the iron oxide idea out.Another surprising theory is that water could actually be responsible for the Stone Taping.

Some researchers also believe that water can record human emotions and thoughts. The notion that water might be able in some way to the record emotions or impressions of past lives is itself not a new one. In the early 1960's Archaeologist and later psychical researcher T. C. Lethbridge together with his wife had a series of powerful experiences of "depression and fright" whilst walking close to a small stream on the beach at Ladram bay, Devon. He discovered that a suicide had taken place at the site some years before.

Further research and experiences at other sites associated with water lead him to develop a theory that the water was able to record strong human emotions and that these may later affect subsequent visitors to the site. According to some this “breakthrough” originates from Homeopathic medicine. The theory is that water is a component of most things. A brick, for example, is between 7% and 15% water. Humans like the ground have very high amounts of water. Theoretically if water can hold memory then humans and other objects could be highly likely to produce the phenomena alongside homeopathic medicines and other necessary requirements for it to work. The scientific side of the things though shows many problems and holes in the water theory. According to the link there’s lots of speculation and pitfalls. Even though the subject remains “controversial” researchers findings are still intriguing.Magnetic fields are mentioned frequently concerning Stone Taping as are other possible scenarios. But again without proven evidence nothing can be based as complete fact.

Some researchers believe that magnetic fields can affect a persons perception and govern what they see. But it is speculation along with other possibilities but worth bearing in mind.One query about stone taping is where is the recording actually stored? There are numerous reports of ghostly battles from past wars in fields, etc. And what about new housing estates where older buildings are completely removed thus bricks, for example are no longer there that could hold a recording. Of course there are many different types of hauntings but from a sceptical point of view this suggestion may fit. Testers have tried to record audio recordings into paint canvas and even clay pots but have not reached a satisfactory conclusion.

Article by :
Connie Bott
Esoteric Researcher

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